All tagged Lizard

The Tropidurus Genus & Struggling with Taxonomy

Ah taxonomy…thou art a beautiful and heartless bitch. If you’ve ever looked into the tropidurus genus post 1979, you know what I’m talking about!

It’s not uncommon for friends and family to send or show me photographs of reptiles and amphibians they encounter during their holidays. They often ask me to identify the species, and usually, this can be done fairly easily – especially when you know exactly where the individual was found. However, some species can be very hard to differentiate by image and location alone.

Radioactive Springs, Lizard Crossing & Sunburnt Skin

Last time we were in Ikaria, we talked about visiting one of the many famous hot springs around the island but got too distracted by the beautiful walks to actually do it. This time, we made a point of finding one and having a relaxing bath. So, we set out to do some research on the geothermal springs available around the island. It was during this research that we discovered a very interesting fact about Ikaria's hot springs - they are amongst the most radioactive in the world. 

The Thorny Devil (Moloch horridus)

Few creatures are so unusual looking as the Australian Thorny Lizard. In fact, its appearance is so unusual that it received a demonised name twice - it is more commonly known as the Thorny Devil and has the scientific name Moloch horridus. Talk about a bad rep...